Best Practices Modules
Efficient Training Reinforcement
Studies have shown that the best way to change behavior is to reinforce specific behavior change topics on a regular basis. A core component of GLS’s Human Firewall solution includes powerful, topic-specific modular training to enhance your training program.
You’re thinking, “who has time for another 20- to 40-minute course?” That’s why we offer short 5- to 7-minute, scenario-based modules on key security topics like passwords, social engineering, avoiding phishing threats, ransomware and more. Our suite of cybersecurity best practices modules helps drive higher employee knowledge retention with shorter, topic-specific training.
Fast, Effective Modules
- Avoiding Phishing Message Threats
- Avoiding Spear-Phishing Threats
- Browsing the Web Securely
- Safe Social Networking
- Securing Information at the Office
- Securing Information During Travel
- Securing Information in the Cloud
- Secure Your Mobile Devices
- Securing Your Office Network
- Securing Your Work at Home
- Setting up Secure Passwords
- Working Securely in Public Places
- Business Email Compromise

Employees – including those in key job roles managing sensitive data and information and targeted by cybercriminals – are able to receive the just-in-time training needed to reinforce critical training topics, which in turn fosters the behavior needed to reduce risk in your organization.
Featured Module
Business Email Compromise (BEC)
Business Email Compromise is one of the most insidious and financially damaging online crimes, scamming roughly three times as many organizations as malware and slightly more than spear phishing. Because of this, we have created two outstanding segments on BEC: Best Practices Module: Avoiding Business Email Compromise and a Shock and Awareness Video Module: Business Email Compromise. This is such an important topic that we recommend it be taught to all employees.
Our suite of cybersecurity best practices modules provides
Following industry best practices for data protection and data privacy ensures your organization is compliant and can prove secure handling is in place when asked or audited.
Engaging Content
A successful training program that allows employees to sharpen their skills one topic at a time in a condensed training format. An enjoyable video sticks longer than a two-hour lecture.
Return On investment
Employees with a solidified understanding of their value to your company’s safety and survival. A knowing staff can save you ample money and time.
Following industry best practices for data protection and data privacy ensures your organization is compliant and can prove secure handling is in place when asked or audited.
Engaging Content
A successful training program that allows employees to sharpen their skills one topic at a time in a condensed training format. An enjoyable video sticks longer than a two-hour lecture.
Return On investment
Employees with a solidified understanding of their value to your company’s safety and survival. A knowing staff can save you ample money and time.
View Our
Course Catalog
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