AI Robot shaking hands with human

Generative AI has rapidly become a game-changer in the workplace, offering remarkable improvements in productivity and efficiency. However, the adoption of this technology is not without its risks. As cybersecurity professionals, it is imperative to ensure that users are well-informed about these risks and adhere to organizational policies when using generative AI.

Global Learning Systems is proud to announce it has won the Editor’s Choice Cybersecurity Training award from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM), the industry’s leading electronic information security magazine.

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Cybercriminals have developed a new threat targeting YouTube content creators. Bad actors send phishing malware through the platform’s Share Video By Email feature. Bad actors load malicious files from what appears to be a legitimate YouTube email address –

Cybercriminals have developed a new threat targeting YouTube content creators. Bad actors send phishing malware through the platform’s Share Video By Email feature. Bad actors load malicious files from what appears to be a legitimate YouTube email address –

Naughty or nice, we all know that jolly Santa will eventually make it down your chimney. Whether old Saint Nick is wearing his signature red suit this year, or a courier delivery uniform, you can be certain cybercriminals are also looking for ways to take advantage of the naughty-or-nice list.

The joy of the gift-giving season is upon us. New tech toys are always a crowd-pleaser but the cybersecurity risks associated with them are often overlooked due to FOMO (fear

Budgets are becoming tighter and tighter. Unfortunately, many businesses revere training budgets as a “nice to have” versus a “must have”. This thinking could end up costing the organization more than they are saving.

As we prepare for the big and busy holiday season, our focus tends to turn towards the great sales out there — ideally to finish our gift lists on time. Naturally and unfortunately, scheming cybercriminals are making their own lists.

Phishing is still the number one tool used by cybercriminals to gain access to sensitive information. I read in a recent article that there has been a 61% increase rate of phishing attacks in 2022 compared to last year. The increase equates to 225 million attacks!

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It’s Halloween and the cyber attacks are scarier than ever! Cyber criminals are going “all-in” this year as they meticulously plan and execute their cyber attacks. From ransomware to spear-phishing to social engineering, these

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