Free Phishing Game
'Spot the Phish' Gamified Training
“No! Not training again!”
Training managers hear it all the time.
“I don’t have time to take this training.” “But I am so busy!” “I’ll get to it.” “I already know this stuff.”
Employee engagement and adoption are some of the most significant challenges organizations face when implementing training programs. So how do you accomplish your annual security awareness training goals AND engage your users in a way that fosters positive cyber behaviors. MAKE IT FUN!
“Spot the Phish” does just that!
'Spot the X' Mini-Game Series
This free phishing game gives you a taste of GLS’s mini-game series, “Spot the X.” The series comprises a set of mini-games, each focused on a specific topic. The user is immediately immersed in a real-world scenario where they are to identify the problems based on the topic. The objective of the games is to assess the available assets and correctly identify safe vs. malicious messages or posts.
Try it out today with the “Spot the Phish” free phishing game link below. Good luck!
Complete the form to play our free phishing game today!