SecureDev™ Developer Training

Accelerating Application Security Training

GLS is throwing conventional out the door with SecureDev training for developers. Our web-based simulations offer accelerating application security training and software security education through interactive training scenarios with power, speed and scalability. Learn secure coding in the most common coding languages. This training, offered in partnership with Kontra Application Security, is focused around OWASP Front End, Back End, Top 10 APIs, Mobile, Cloud and DevOps, AWS and Embedded Systems.

Built for How Developers Learn

Developers spend their days developing code for web-based applications in various coding languages. When training is required, developers cringe at the idea of tedious, boring training programs that take a ton of time and are often not code-specific. Developers benefit more from a hands-on training program and identify well with training that is to the point and more interactive. GLS’s SecureDev training  for developers provides a revolutionary training experience based on real world scenarios, designed with developers’ needs and preferences in mind.

Each scenario is based on a real-life security incident. This provides the developer the opportunity to look into the code to identify where the real-life vulnerabilities are, then he/she can correct the issue to complete the scenario. 

With SecureDev application security training, developers can:

Try SecureDevTM Training Modules for FREE for Organizations

Take the first step in securing your code!

Web-based applications are a mainstay in today’s software development, often built in complex layers to deliver a customized user experience. Coding errors can leave your software susceptible to a security breach. Give your developers the application security training they need to create software and web applications that are hardened against the most common forms of attack.

Try out GLS’s SecureDev training with these free modules, including OWASP Top 10 for Web and API, AWS Top 10 and Front-end Top 10. 

SecureDev Course Coding Languages

Global Learning System’s secure coding training covers these coding languages:

Front End
OWASP Back End
OWASP Mobile OWASP Embedded Cloud & Dev Ops AWS TOP 10
Javascript Java Java API Android C++ Docker AWS For Java
Angular C# C# API iOS Kubernetes AWS For Python
React Python (Django) Python (Django) API React Native Terraform AWS for Node.js
Vue.js Python (Flask) Python(Flask) API Git
Node.js Node.js API
Ruby on Rails Ruby API
Scala Scala API
Kotlin Kotlin API
Front End
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OWASP Back End
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See Details
Javascript Java Java API
Angular C# C# API
React Python (Django) Python (Django) API
Vue.js Python (Flask) Python(Flask) API
Node.js Node.js API
Ruby on Rails Ruby API
Scala Scala API
Kotlin Kotlin API
OWASP Mobile OWASP Embedded
Android C++
React Native
Cloud & Dev Ops AWS TOP 10
Docker AWS For Java
Kubernetes AWS For Python
Terraform AWS for Node.js

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OWASP 2021 Top 10 Eight-Hour Intensive Training

Secure Coding With OWASP Top 10

Enroll your developers in GLS’s 8-hour OWASP Top 10 – a modular, self-paced online boot camp that provides hands-on problem solving. This intensive secure coding training enables your coders to create software that is hardened against the most popular and emerging means of attack.

Engage Your Entire Organization

From scenario-based modules, to Cyber IQ games, to full length courses, GLS provides training programs that engage and inform employees, regardless of their learning style. Schedule a free consultation today with one of GLS’ experienced security training specialists to learn more about our training programs.

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Front-End Exercises
React Angular Vue.js
Cross Site Request Forgery Cross Site Request Forgery Untrusted HTML Rendering XSS
Direct Dom Manipulation XSS Direct Dom Manipulation XSS Direct Dom Manipulation XSS
Components with Known Vulnerabilities Template Concatenation Cross Site Request Forgery
Untrusted HTML Rendering XSS Sanitization Misuse XSS Untrusted Template Usage XSS
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OWASP Top 10 – API – 2019
ID Topic Covered in SecureDev Modules Programming Languages Available
API1:2019 Broken Object Level Authorization Broken Object Level Authorization JAVA, C#, Python (Django), Python (Flask), Node.js, GO, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Scala, Kotlin
API2:2019 Broken User Authentication Broken User Authentication
API3:2019 Excessive Data Exposure Excessive Data Exposure
API4:2019 Lack of Resources & Rate Limiting Lack of Resources & Rate Limiting
API5:2019 Broken Function Level Authorization Broken Function Level Authorization
API6:2019 Mass Assignment Mass Assignment
API7:2019 Security Misconfiguration Security Misconfiguration
API8:2019 Injection Injection
API9:2019 Improper Assets Management Improper Assets Management
API10:2019 Insufficient Logging & Monitoring Insufficient Logging & Monitoring
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OWASP Top 10 – 2021
ID Topic Covered in SecureDev Modules Programming Languages Available
A01:2021 Broken Access Control Vertical Privilege Escalation Horizontal Privilege Escalation JAVA, C#, Python (Django), Python (Flask), Node.js, GO, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Scala, Kotlin
A02:2021 Cryptographic Failures Weak Randomness
A03:2021 Injection SQL Injection Command Injection Header Injection XML Injection
A04:2021 Insecure Design User Enumeration
A05:2021 Security Misconfiguration Leftover Debug Code
A06:2021 Broken Access Control Vertical Privilege Escalation Horizontal Privilege Escalation
A07:2021 Vulnerable and Outdated Components Session Fixation Forced Browsing
A08:2021 Software and Data Integrity Failures Reflected XSS
Forced Browsing
Stored Cross-Site Scripting
Insecure URL Redirect
Directory Traversal
Cross-site Request Forgery
A09:2021 Security Logging and Monitoring Failures PII Data in URL
Token Exposure in URL
A10:2021 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Server-Side Request Forgery
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