Top Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them

As the country starts to open up, many people are getting back out there by taking a fun vacation for the first time in over a year. While many in […]

Headshot of Erica Smith, VP Operations, GLS

Erica Smith, GLS’s Head of Operations, garners industry-wide recognition for exceptionalism in cybersecurity awareness and compliance training field COLUMBIA, Md., (May 11, 2021) – Global Learning Systems’ Erica Smith was

Cyber threat statistic infographic

The threat of cyber-attacks has been on the rise for years, and it’s showing no sign of slowing down. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic made matters even worse, with

Work From Home Ransomware Attacks on the Rise

Recent ransomware attacks are an increasing challenge for organizations. When there is uncertainty globally, the odds are against companies that their employees will know how to react and spot social

The Value of Security Assessments

As security professionals, we understand the importance of performing security assessments and penetration tests against our IT infrastructures. The information gained from assessments allows us to create a plan to

lock on keyboard to represent security awareness vs. anti-phishing training

If you find yourself asking “How does my organization evaluate the benefits of security awareness vs. anti-phishing training?” we’re here to help.  Start by understanding that cyberattacks are ubiquitous. The

Suzanne Gorman Infosec Executive joining GLS

COLUMBIA, Md., (Mar. 24, 2021) – Veteran information security executive Suzanne Gorman, CISSP, CRISC, joins Global Learning Systems (GLS) as Vice President and Information Security and Risk Management Evangelist. In

Risk-of-the-Month-COVID-19 Vaccine Phishing Scams

As we move further into 2021, the landscape around COVID-19 has been changing more rapidly than ever. On nearly a daily basis, we receive updates about new processes, ease of


The shift to remote work in 2020 caused many changes to the cybersecurity landscape, not the least of which was the astronomical increase in cloud platform usage. By April, companies’

iot device security

Are you aware of the risks that come with not properly securing IoT-connected devices? Do you know how to implement device security to protect both your personal networks and data,

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