Training Packages

SecureSuite® Security Awareness Training Packages

GLS has designed its entire security training program around the “human element” of cybersecurity. Our Human Firewall focused approach to security awareness training is a flexible framework for building an effective training program that best meets your organization’s needs and focuses on your most important asset – your people.

Why SecureSuite?

Organizations often focus on hardware, software systems and policy as the core elements of creating a secure infrastructure. Yet 90% of security incidents are caused by human error. How can you protect your organization from falling victim to the next data breach or ransomware attack? Simple, build a Human Firewall. GLS’s Human Firewall 2.0 training methodology represents a simplified and streamlined way to purchase and implement security awareness training. Rather than choosing from many à la carte items, we’ve grouped our training, phishing and reinforcement assets into logical packages – known as SecureSuite packages – that deliver a more effective solution. GLS’s security awareness training packages contain all of the resources you will need for a successful program, no matter where you are in your security awareness journey.

1. Choose Your SecureSuite Security Awareness Package

Most Popular
21 content assets
41 content assets
67 content assets
119 content assets
Foundational Courses(s) (30 Minutes) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Reinforcement Assets – Training Modules (8-10 minutes) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Reinforcement Assets – Training Videos (3-5 minutes) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Posters ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Shock & Awe Internal Marketing Videos ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Quarterly Newsletters ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Tips & Tweets ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
CEO Letter ✔ ✔
Handouts ✔ ✔
SecureGenius Pre-Assessment ✔ ✔
SecureGenius Post-Assessment ✔ ✔
SecureGenius Behavioral Assessment* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
SecureGenius Cultural Assessment* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
CyberIQ Games ✔ ✔ ✔
Localized Content (all available languages) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
GLS OnDemand Hosted LMS ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
SecurePhish Simulation Platform ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Unlimited Product Support for Admins ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
60 Minute Session with an InfoSec Security Consultant ✔
Single Sign On Optional Optional Optional ✔
SCORM Dispatch Optional Optional Optional Optional

*Coming Soon

2. Add Additional Content-Specific Bundles

Round out your program by adding specific content to meet the needs of your organization. Or purchase any bundle as a standalone training program to meet your specific organizational needs.
Add-On Packages SecureDev
Audience Developers All Employees All Employees All Employees K-12 / Higher Education
Description Covers secure coding for OWASP Top 10 (Web and API), AWS Top 10 and Front-End Top 10 in specific coding languages such as Java, Python, C++ and more! Short content advertisements promoting good cyber behaviors using real-world scenarios they face on a daily basis. Includes content review and quiz. Human resources training topics including courseware on harassment prevention, employment law, compliance, ethics and more.
Compliance and regulatory training surrounding data privacy and data protection
A cyber training package created with education in mind. Includes Security Awareness for Education course, education-focused SecureSnippets, and compliance/ethics courseware.

3. Make It Easy with Program Management

Building a security awareness program takes time, thought, money and buy-in. Why not work with a security awareness consultant to develop, define and deploy your program? GLS offers a managed program solution that will allow you to receive the assistance you need (as much or as little) to be successful with your program. 

Why Choose GLS as Your Training Partner?

Our emphasis on annual planning and growth in maturity year over year continues to differentiate us from other vendors. Using our SecureSuite training solution built upon the principles of our Human Firewall 2.0 methodology, customers can select a package that truly focuses on where they are in their cybersecurity awareness journey.

Training managers, IT professionals and HR professionals can now select a plan that provides a variety of content in diversified training modalities focused on the topics needed for creating a security-minded culture. Coupled with our training plans and managed services, customers receive an array of tools designed built using the Human Firewall security awareness training approach.

The SecureSuite training solution makes it easier to plan and execute 8- to 10-week campaigns around particular topics interspersed with phishing simulations.

GLS Security Awareness Training Delivers

Substance – A carefully-designed variety of program materials aligns with user roles to change behavior and build a security- and compliance-oriented culture.

Relevance – Fresh materials ensure users understand the latest threats and regulations so they can better protect your organization.

Ease – Simplified, cost-effective options get you started quickly, or you can customize your program materials to reflect your policies and environment.

Service – Regardless of company size or where you are in your security awareness journey, you receive the right level of consultation, program management and support.

Return – Using a proven scorecard of behavioral metrics, we help you measure and optimize your program to achieve the desired results.

Don't Wait! Start Your Security Awareness Training Today

From modules to games to full length courses, GLS provides engaging and varied security awareness training packages that reach learners in different ways. Contact us today to learn more about designing a security awareness program that meets the needs of your organization or learn more about how GLS is helping our clients successfully tackle today’s ever-growing cybersecurity challenges.

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SecureHR Compliance Training Bundle

Addressing Ethics and Compliance at Work
Anti-Money Laundering
Avoiding Wrongful Termination
Bribery: Recognizing and Avoiding Improper Business Incentives
Creating a Bully-Free Workplace: Employee Edition
Creating a Bully-Free Workplace: Manager Edition
Disability Discrimination and Accommodation
Diversity and Inclusion: Valuing Differences for Mutual Success
Employee Discipline
Employment Discrimination: Maintaining a Fair Workplace
Ethics and Code of Conduct
Ethics and Code of Conduct for Colleges and Universities
Ethics and Code of Conduct for Government Contractors
FCPA: Anti-Bribery Training
Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture
Harassment: Ensuring a Respectful Workplace
HIPAA Basics for Employees in the Healthcare Sector
Leading a High-Performance Team
Managing Ethics and Compliance at Work
Managing Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Employee Edition
Personal Leadership Power
Prevención de Acoso Sexual para Administradores
Prevenir el Acoso Sexual: Empleado Edición
Preventing Employee Discrimination for Managers
Preventing Employment Discrimination for Employees
Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees
Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers
Preventing Unlawful Harassment for Colleges and Universities: Employees
Preventing Unlawful Harassment for Colleges and Universities: Faculty/Manager
Preventing Unlawful Workplace Harassment for Federal Agencies: Employees
Preventing Unlawful Workplace Harassment for Federal Agencies: Manager Edition
Privacy Laws and Practices
Social Media at Work
The No Fear Act
Unconscious Bias and You (Essentials)
Unconscious Bias and You 9567
Understanding the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
US Workplace Harassment (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment
US Workplace Harassment: California (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment: California
US Workplace Harassment: Connecticut (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment: Connecticut
US Workplace Harassment: Delaware (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment: Delaware
US Workplace Harassment: Illinois (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment: Illinois
US Workplace Harassment: Learner Selection
US Workplace Harassment: Maine (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment: Maine
US Workplace Harassment: Multi-State (120 min)
US Workplace Harassment: Multi-State (50 min)
US Workplace Harassment: Multi-State (60 min)
US Workplace Harassment: New York (Manager)
US Workplace Harassment: New York
Wage and Hour Basics
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SecureEd Education Training Bundle

Security Awareness Challenge for Education
FERPA Fast Facts
Preventing Unlawful Harassment for Colleges and Universities: Employees
Preventing Unlawful Harassment for College and Universities: Faculty/Manager
Diversity and Inclusion: Valuing Differences for Mutual Success
MSS: Individual Responsibility
MSS: Be More Cyber-Secure in the New Normal
MSS: Phishing Emails
MSS: Ransomware
MSS: SMiShing
MSS: Social Engineering in Social Networks
MSS: Social Media Posts
MSS: Voice Phishing
S&A Video: Mobile
S&A Video: Passwords
S&A Video: Social Networking
S&A Video: Web Security
S&A Video: Work at Home
S&A Video: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
CyberIQ Games
Cybersecurity IQ Challenge
Data Protection IQ Challenge
Passwords and Authentication IQ Challenge
Phishing IQ Challenge
Remote Work IQ Challenge
Spyware in Attachments
Pop Ups
Password Handling
Free Wi-Fi
Handling Confidential Materials
Shoulder Surfer
USB Key Drop
Home Wi-Fi
Data Leaks
Unattended Computer
Correct Links
Sharing Information
Update Your Software
Phishing Urgency
Ransomware Attack
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SecureSuite Standard Training Package

Cybersecurity Awareness Challenge Security Brief: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
Anti-Phishing Essentials Security Awareness Challenge
Training Modules
BPM: Avoiding Phishing Message Threats BPM: Business Email Compromise (BEC) Scams
BPM: Setting Up Secure Passwords BPM: Securing Your Work From Home
BPM: Avoiding Spear Phishing Message Threats
Training Videos
MSS: Individual Responsibility MSS: Ransomware
MSS: The Human Firewall MSS: SMiSing
MSS: Phishing Emails MSS: Voice Phishing
Communications Toolbox
Assorted Digital Posters: General Cyber Security (Responsibility) SA: Responsibility
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing Basic SA: Phishing
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing Advanced SA: Passwords
Assorted Digital Posters: Mobile SA: Work at Home
Assorted Digital Posters: Work in Public SA: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
Assorted Digital Posters: Passwords SA: Mobile
Assorted Digital Posters: Work at Home CEO Letter
Tips & Tweets Quarterly Newsletters
SecureGenius Assessments
Cultural Assessment (NEW) Pre-Assessment (Content focused)
Behavioral Assessment (NEW)
CyberIQ Games
Cybersecurity IQ Challenge Data Protection IQ Challenge
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SecureSuite Comprehensive Training Package

Cyber Awareness Challenge PCI DSS Introduction
Anti-Phishing Essentials PCI DSS Introduction (Essentials)
Security Brief: Cybersecurity Fundamentals PCI DSS for Retail
Security Awareness Challenge HIPAA Awareness Training
Leading a Secure Organization Role-based Training for IT Administrators & Engineers
Introduction to OWASP Role-based Training for Security Managers
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Essentials Role-based Training for Security Specialists
Privacy and Data Protection Essentials
Training Modules
BPM: Avoiding Phishing Message Threats BPM: Securing Your Mobile Devices
BPM: Setting Up Secure Passwords BPM: Safe Social Networking
BPM: Avoiding Spear Phishing Message Threats BPM: Securing Information at the Office
BPM: Business Email Compromise (BEC) Scams BPM: Browsing the Web Securely
BPM: Securing Your Work From Home
Training Videos
MSS: Individual Responsibility MSS: SMiSing
MSS: The Human Firewall MSS: Voice Phishing
MSS: Phishing Emails MSS: Social Engineering in Social Networks
MSS: Ransomware MSS: Social Media Posts
Communications Toolbox
Assorted Digital Posters: General Cyber Security (Responsibility) Assorted Digital Posters: Cloud
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing Basic Assorted Digital Posters: Network Security
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing Advanced Tips & Tweets
Assorted Digital Posters: Mobile SA: Responsibility
Assorted Digital Posters: Work in Public SA: Phishing
Assorted Digital Posters: Passwords SA: Passwords
Assorted Digital Posters: Work at Home SA: Work at Home
Assorted Digital Posters: Web SA: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
Assorted Digital Posters: Travel SA: Mobile
Assorted Digital Posters: Workplace/Physical SA: Social Networking
Assorted Digital Posters: Social Media CEO Letter
Quarterly Newsletters
SecureGenius Assessments
Pre-Assessment (Content-focused) Cultural Assessment (NEW)
Post Assessment (Content-focused) Behavioral Assessment (NEW)
CyberIQ Games
Cybersecurity IQ Challenge Phishing IQ Challenge
Data Protection IQ Challenge Remote Work IQ Challenge
Passwords and Authentication IQ Challenge
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SecureSuite Elite Training Package

Cyber Awareness Challenge Secure Coding with OWASP Top 10 (Full Course)
Anti-Phishing Essentials Addressing Ethics and Compliance at Work
Security Brief: Cybersecurity Fundamentals Anti-Money Laundering
Security Awareness Challenge Ethics and Code of Conduct
Leading a Secure Organization Privacy Laws and Practices
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Essentials California Workplace Harassment Training for Employees
Privacy and Data Protection Essentials California Workplace Harassment Training for Managers
PCI DSS Introduction Connecticut Sexual Harassment Training for Employees
PCI DSS Introduction (Essentials) Connecticut Sexual Harassment Training for Supervisors
PCI DSS for Retail Delaware Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees
HIPAA Awareness Training Delaware Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers
Role-based Training for IT Administrators & Engineers Diversity and Inclusion: Valuing Differences for Mutual Success
Role-based Training for Security Managers Harassment and Bullying: Managing Threats to a Respectful Work Culture
Role-based Training for Security Specialists Harassment: Ensuring a Respectful Workplace
Introduction to OWASP Illinois Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees
OWASP Mod 01: Injection Illinois Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers
OWASP Mod 02: Broken Authentication and Session Management Maine Sexual Harassment Training for Employees
OWASP Mod 03: Sensitive Data Exposure Maine Sexual Harassment Training for Managers
OWASP Mod 04: XML External Entities (XXE) Managing Ethics and Compliance at Work
OWASP Mod 05: Broken Access Control New York Sexual Harassment Training for Employees
OWASP Mod 06: Security Misconfiguration New York Sexual Harassment Training for Managers
OWASP Mod 07: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees
OWASP Mod 08: Insecure Deserialization Preventing Sexual Harassment for Managers
OWASP Mod 09: Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees
OWASP Mod10: Insufficient Logging and Monitoring Preventing Workplace Harassment for Managers
Training Modules
BPM: Avoiding Phishing Message Threats BPM: Working Securely in Public Places
BPM: Setting Up Secure Passwords BPM: Securing Your Office Network
BPM: Avoiding Spear Phishing Message Threats BPM: Cybersecurity Beyond the Workplace: Security On The Go
BPM: Business Email Compromise (BEC) Scams BPM: Cybersecurity Beyond the Workplace: Security for Kids
BPM: Securing Your Work From Home Executive BPM: Leading a Secure Organization: Organization Cyber Risk
BPM: Securing Your Mobile Devices Executive BPM: Leading a Secure Organization: The Human Firewall
BPM: Safe Social Networking Executive BPM: Leading a Secure Organization: Your Data and Devices
BPM: Securing Information at the Office
BPM: Browsing the Web Securely
BPM: Securing Your Information During Travel
BPM: Securing Your Information in the Cloud
Training Videos
MSS: Individual Responsibility MSS: Voice Phishing
MSS: The Human Firewall MSS: Social Engineering in Social Networks
MSS: Phishing Emails MSS: Social Media Posts
MSS: Ransomware MSS: Be More Cyber-Secure in the New Normal
MSS: SMiSing MSS: Insider Threat
Communications Toolbox
Assorted Digital Posters: General Cyber Security (Responsibility) Assorted Digital Posters: Cloud
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing Basic Assorted Digital Posters: Beyond the Workplace
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing Advanced Tips & Tweets
Assorted Digital Posters: Mobile SA: Responsibility
Assorted Digital Posters: Work in Public SA: Phishing
Assorted Digital Posters: Passwords SA: Passwords
Assorted Digital Posters: Work at Home SA: Work at Home
Assorted Digital Posters: Web SA: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
Assorted Digital Posters: Travel SA: Mobile
Assorted Digital Posters: Workplace/Physical SA: Social Networking
Assorted Digital Posters: Social Media SA: Web Security
Assorted Digital Posters: Cloud Quarterly Newsletters
Assorted Digital Posters: Network Security CEO Letter
Personal Security Handouts
SecureGenius Assessments
Pre-Assessment (Content-focused) Cultural Assessment (NEW)
Post Assessment (Content-focused) Behavioral Assessment (NEW)
CyberIQ Games
Cybersecurity IQ Challenge Phishing IQ Challenge
Data Protection IQ Challenge Remote Work IQ Challenge
Passwords and Authentication IQ Challenge
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SecureSuite Essential Training Package

Cyber Awareness ChallengeAnti-Phishing Essentials
Training Modules
BPM: Avoiding Phishing Message ThreatsBPM: Setting Up Secure Passwords
Training Videos
MSS: Individual ResponsibilityMSS: Phishing Emails
MSS: The Human Firewall 
Communications Toolbox
Assorted Digital Posters: General Cyber Security (Responsibility)SA: Responsibility
Assorted Digital Posters: Phishing BasicSA: Phishing
Tips & TweetsSA: Passwords
 CEO Letter
 Quarterly Newsletters
SecureGenius Assessments
Cultural Assessment (New)Behavioral Assessment (NEW)
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