security awareness training


In a recent Ponemon Research Report, “Understanding the Value of Information Assets,” 2,827 respondents from a variety of sectors answered questions about how they prioritize and secure the information assets […]


Keeping mobile devices secure is becoming more crucial every day. We lock and secure our homes, protect our computers and click the key fob as we leave the car, but


According to a recent study, just under half (45%) of the organizations surveyed don’t have security awareness training — or they have it, but make it optional (10%). The remaining


As 2018 draws to a close, many people will make New Year’s resolutions. They’ll vary — we may promise ourselves to exercise regularly, travel to a new country, or read


The holiday season is a difficult time to enforce information security best practices. It’s also one of the busiest times for phishing attacks.


In 2018, being mindful of diversity and disability when making hiring decisions is even more important than ever. According to the 2017 Disability Equality Index (DEI) survey , “U.S. businesses


Why You Need to be Practicing Secure Coding Just about a year ago, Equifax made history by suffering one of the most disastrous breaches the world has ever seen – all

GDPR Compliance. A White lock in the center of the EU flag

The General Data Protection Regulation came into effect almost exactly three months ago, and—in honor of this anniversary—it seems fitting to do a quick assessment of how things are going.


Phishing continues to be the number one risk to organizational security, and companies are taking matters into their own hands, using security awareness training (SAT) and simulated phishing email campaigns


In an ironic turn of events, identity theft protection service LifeLock might not be so well-protected itself. A couple of days ago, a vulnerability in their marketing page allowed users (or perhaps

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