5 Tips For Strengthening Security On A Daily Basis


In an increasingly connected world, security is a major issue. Our phones and computers have become integral parts of our lives. We store a lot of personal, sensitive information on our devices, making us targets for hackers and others with malicious intent. That’s why the need for security is now greater than ever. We spend a lot of time on our mobiles, tablets, and other such devices without considering the potential threats around us. Keeping that in mind, here are 5 Tips for Strengthening Security on a Daily Basis:

1. Secure Your Mobile Devices Physically

Most people overlook physical security when it comes to protecting their data. Plenty of people leave their devices unattended in public places, such as restaurants and airports. That is the worst thing to do when it comes to security. Not only may the device—with all your personal information on it—be stolen, thieves can also pick it up and go through all your data while you’re gone.
This is where passwords and two-factor authentication come into play for mobile security. It’s always a good idea to have at least a password or PIN protection for your mobile devices. You should also have a malware or antivirus scanner for protection against digital threats.

2. Maintaining Security Online

When connecting through Wi-Fi, take a few precautions. Always make sure that your wireless network is protected with a password. WPA and WPA2 network encryption are highly recommended—especially the latter, since it’s extremely difficult to crack.
If you are on a public Wi-Fi network, consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network). It encrypts the traffic to and from your device. If you have the option to pay for Wi-Fi that includes a personal password, choose that one.

3. Data Storage and Encryption

However simple or complex your data may be, always make sure it’s stored in a secure location. Log who accesses the data and when it is accessed.
If it’s stored in the cloud, make certain the account and the service provider are secure. When you are sharing the data, always confirm the recipient’s account(s) is secure, too.
It sounds heavy-handed, but it is 100% true: encryption is your best friend.

4. Stay Away from Viruses and Malware

This cannot be repeated enough: always keep your virus protection up to date. Lots of new viruses come out every day, and it is up to you to protect yourself by staying updated at all times.
Also, stay away from suspicious links. Many spammers send out links to phishing sites that capture logins and passwords for banks or request financial information.
There are also countless websites that lead to malware or virus downloads. Be cautious when clicking anything on the Internet.
For work computers, follow company policies to ensure updated software. Many times your security and IT teams perform updates, so you may not need to on your own. Please ask before downloading anything on your end.

5. The Human Firewall®

While software firewalls do their work just fine, the human firewall® is even stronger. However, that is also a major weakness in the system.
Many security threats don’t really come from the outside—they originate from user negligence. It is necessary to be educated on security protocols and techniques to stay away from all insider threats.
As you can see, strengthening security means being aware of and implementing security best practices.
For more tips for strengthening security for your organization – contact us.






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