woman working from home

However, social engineering is not the only concern you should have as we enter this new paradigm of working remotely. The biggest challenge for companies in the midst of this […]


The COVID-19 upended “business as usual” for many organizations. Businesses in many cases were not prepared for having to shift to a paradigm where employees were not at their desks

Security and Privacy

As COVID-19 continues to spread and affect businesses worldwide, more and more companies are requiring that their employees work from home. Unfortunately, while working from home will hopefully help prevent

psychological manipulation of phishing

It’s no secret that Business Email Compromise (BEC) and Executive Phishing scams are an increasing threat to organizational security. Targeting company infrastructure by impersonating known associates, vendors, or even employees

privacy day champion

Each Jan. 28, Hundreds of Organizations and Individuals Collaborate to Generate Awareness About the Importance of Respecting Privacy, Safeguarding Data and Enabling Trust Jan 15, 2020 — Global Learning Systems (GLS) is

texas cybersecurity certification

Did you know that government employees in the State of Texas are now required to participate in cybersecurity training? As part of recent House Bill 3834–enacted to help protect governing

psychological manipulation of phishing

In the 2019 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, there is a pair of statistics that caught my eye. Phishing was the fifth most reported type of security incident, trailing behind Denial

Sea of hands

Most of us know that Security Awareness Training is important to maintain organizational safety. But how sure are you that employees are truly taking preventative measures or recognizing and responding


I opened my email to find a rather nasty surprise, I received a Bitcoin ransom email. Although “sextortion” bitcoin ransom emails had been around for several years, I have never

Ransomware news

Ransomware is an ongoing threat to organizations and their data around the world. It can strike at multiple points in an organization – network, equipment, and employees. It targets industries,

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